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Lifeskills South Florida

Residential and outpatient care near Miami, Florida for individuals with psychiatric disorders and co-occurring substance use.

Lifeskills South Florida is a comprehensive clinical treatment program that provides both residential and outpatient levels of care to adults with psychiatric issues and co-occurring substance use disorders.

Lifeskills South Florida

1431 SW 9th Avenue

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

Contact: Klay Weaver, Executive Director

Phone: 844-749-1560

Fax: 954-834-5092

Email »


  • Program type:  Clinical residential

  • Location:  Deerfield Beach, FL, near Miami

  • Environment:  Townhouses in a campus environment

  • Number of residents:  45

  • Gender:  All

  • Ages:  18+

Conditions treated include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Other affective disorders

  • Trauma-based disorders

  • Borderline personality disorder

  • Other personality disorders

  • Schizoaffective disorder

  • Other thought disorders

  • Substance use disorders

Services include:

  • Intensive outpatient and outpatient treatment

  • Group therapy

  • Individual therapy with both the primary therapist and the psychiatrist

  • Family therapy, including intensive family workshop

  • Psychiatric evaluation

  • Psychological testing

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy

  • Yoga therapy

  • Experiential therapy

  • Transitional life skills training

Care for Psychiatric Disorders and Co-Occurring Substance Use

For 25 years, Lifeskills South Florida has provided excellence in behavioral healthcare for individuals with mental health and addiction issues. We are dually licensed by the State of Florida to provide residential treatment for psychiatric disorders and co-occurring substance use disorders.

The Lifeskills' team is highly experienced in addressing diagnostic presentations including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, other affective disorders, trauma-based disorders, borderline personality disorder, other personality disorders, schizoaffective disorder, other thought disorders, and substance use disorders.

Residential, Intensive Outpatient, and Outpatient Mental Health Care

Lifeskills provides residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient and outpatient care to adults suffering from psychiatric disorders or co-occurring substance use disorders. Our comprehensive clinical program utilizes Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), group process, individual therapy, psychiatric care, experiential process, family program, and other evidence-based practices. We address the whole client, and our individualized process of evaluation is ongoing, so that we address the needs of clients as they emerge.

Personal Responsibility and Greater Opportunity

At Lifeskills, residents focus on transitional preparedness and enhancing self-care skills, including personal responsibility for one’s needs for daily living, while they actively engage in psychiatric treatment. The goal for all of Lifeskills’ clients is to be prepared to take on the challenges of the next phase of their lives.

Lifeskills’ treatment program promotes wellness and re-integration into life beyond treatment. Supervised outings to support groups, shopping trips, recreational activities, and cultural activities give clients experience in interacting with the community in a supported way. As clients begin to take more responsibility for their future, they have the chance to pursue employment and educational opportunities.

Supervised Residential Treatment Facilities

Our residential treatment facilities are supervised 24 hours per day, and clients reside in gender-specific townhouses. There, they take on the tasks of daily living, such as meal preparation, housekeeping, and participating in the residential community. The units are spacious and modern, and in immediate proximity to clinical services and campus amenities such as the Lifeskills pool, which provides exercise and relaxation.